About Grumpy

I’m a fat, middle-aged man. And yes, I can be somewhat grumpy. And no, that’s not a picture of me. Nobody wants to see the real me. It was done for me by Amelia_213 over on Fiverr (that’s an affiliate link, so if you use it and buy something, I might get a reward).

I know quite a bit about leadership, agility and wellbeing. And I know a little about woodworking. I’m still learning about all of these things, which is part of the fun of it all. Better never stops.

This site is an outlet for my rants, projects and occasional bits of experience I fancy passing on. It is NOT monetised other than through very passive things like affiliate links to purchase the stuff I’m reviewing. And I’ll call those out honestly for what they are. No shady games here – promise!

It’s also not sponsored in any way, at least at time of writing. I’ll discuss my purchases, projects and the tools and technologies I use, and give you my honest opinions on them. They’re all bought through retail outlets (typically Amazon) with my own money, excepting a few wonderful birthday and Christmas presents from my fabulous family. If this ever changes (for example, if a manufacturer sends me a tool to review), I’ll be sure to call that out loud and clear, and always still give you my honest opinion. Scout’s honour.

So where’s the value? Well, I get a safe outlet for this stuff. And I truly enjoy sharing it. Plus it helps keep my inner geek fed and happy, fiddling with the technical behind-the-scenes stuff. And yes, one day in the misty future, SawStop might send me a free cabinet saw (with all the extras) to review. Then I’ll wake up and my coffee will be cold :).

What do you want to see?

You might notice that recently I was posting quite frequently. My previous employer had generously made me available to the wider market, so I was blessed with plentiful time in between job-hunting activities. Much as I enjoyed the change of pace, I’m happy to report that I’m once again gainfully employed. So my blogging (and woodworking) activities have slowed down somewhat, but I’ll try to maintain some level of ongoing engagement here. It would help me tremendously if you could let me know which types of content you particularly like, and even what you can’t bear to read.

Please consider creating an account and commenting on my articles. I’m genuinely interested in your feedback, especially if you disagree with something I’ve said! I promise no spam from me, and I won’t sell your details to anyone else either.